Banquet Success!

The 2013 Newport Harbor Field Hockey Banquet was a huge success! It was a fabulous celebration of the 2013/2014 season.

A big thank you to the Banquet Committe: Joanne Wills, Eva Palmer, Carol Nulty, Jen Blanchfield, Terri Shea, Cassie Conant, Desiree Peschong, Nancy Vaughan, Raylene Groves, Sara Muenchow, Carol Singer, Chris Porteous, Sue Dewan and Janine Mariano. Also thank you to Jim Palmer for his work on the Senior Sticks and to Taylor Cordeiro, Rob McCarthy, and Terri Shea for their work on the Memory Books.


We hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for this past season and for the wonderful banquet that was held to celebrate it!

A huge thank you to our Banquet Chairman, Jen Blanchfield, and the Banquet Committee:

Jill Frei – Centerpieces, Balloons, setup & cleanup

Nancy Rohan Invitation RSVPs and Check-in

Kathy Hancock – Senior photos, team pictures, setup & cleanup

Lisa Gels  Pictures of Seniors with parents

Karen Stump Invitations, Candy for player tables, setup & cleanup

Christian Whitney, Raylene Groves, Kristin Dexter Coaches gifts and Candid pictures

Lisa Albert Reserved signs for Varsity parent tables & Coaches table

Cassie Conant Drink tubs, Check-in, setup & cleanup

Sue Dewan Ice, flowers, tear down

It was a fabulous celebration, thank you for all of your time!

Banquet Tonight!

Just a reminder that the Banquet is tonight! See you at 6:00 p.m. at St. Andrew’s in the Student Center. We look forward to celebrating all that the girls accomplished this season!

Also please remember to bring:

Frosh/Soph – 1-2 dozen bite size desserts

JV – six pack of soda or case of water