Early July Update

Although we have been busy planning and training our coaching staff on how to return to play and create a safe environment for our student-athletes, the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) confirmed with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) that at this time youth sports, including conditioning activities, are not permitted.

We remain hopeful and optimistic that we will have a field hockey season this year. Once statewide guidance is released, our district will work with the Orange County Health Care Agency to consider local community conditions when implementing our reopening plan for athletics.

We will update you as soon as we have new information. As we wait, we will continue to prepare for the re-opening of athletics so that we can be ready to play field hockey again as soon as possible.

As a reminder, students must have their athletic clearance paperwork complete to participate (as they do every year) whenever we are able to return to play. Please get the athletic clearance paperwork done right away so that there isn’t a delay once we have the opportunity to play:

2020-21 Athletic Clearance Forms and Instructions

Log onto athleticclearance.com to start the process of getting students cleared. Click above to download the forms and instructions, or they can be found on the Athletic Page of the NHHS website. **It is required that a signed confirmation message be submitted to the Athletics Office in order to be cleared. Since students are currently not allowed on campus, parents/students please email signed confirmation messages to our athletic secretary at JTNguyen@nmusd.us. If you have any questions, please contact our athletic secretary, Jessica.