June Check-In

There is not much information about Summer or Fall to update you on yet, so this is just a check-in. We are hopeful that we will be able to have some sort of camp this summer, and of course a season this fall. Our number one priority is the safety of our student athletes, so as we wait for direction from NMUSD and CIF, we are developing plans that will follow possible guidelines and restrictions. We will update you as soon as we have information. If we do get to play, students must have their athletic clearance paperwork complete to participate (as they do every year). Please get the athletic clearance paperwork done right away so that there isn’t a delay later:

Log onto athleticclearance.com to start the process of getting students cleared. Click above to download the forms and instructions, or they can be found on the Athletic Page of the NHHS website. **It is required that a signed confirmation message be submitted to the Athletics Office in order to be cleared. Since students are currently not allowed on campus, parents/students please email signed confirmation messages to our athletic secretary at JTNguyen@nmusd.us. If you have any questions, please contact our athletic secretary, Jessica.