Parent Party!

The NHHS FH Boosters second annual “Kick Off Party” was held last Saturday night at Kurt and Barbara Yeager’s home.  It was a great time for everyone who attended to get to know each other and to share their daughter’s experiences with field hockey.  The Yeagers house was in perfect party mode thanks to Barbara and Lynn Pyle who co-chaired this event.  The food, drinks, lighting and table settings were are all perfect along with the summer evening weather.  Many of the parents got to try their stick skills in the backyard by taking shots on goal.  They soon came to realize the talent and effort it takes to play field hockey!   Later there was a trivia session on the rules of the game for prizes to those who had the correct answers and we also got a surprise impromptu speech from “Coach Peter” on his life in Kenya related to field hockey and his journey to America.  Overall it was a lot of fun and we raised a few dollars to help the program.

Thanks again to the Yeagers and Lynn Pyle!