August Update

Happy first day of school to all of our student athletes! While we wish they were on campus, walking around in uniform, and anticipating their first home game, we WILL make the best out of this situation we find ourselves in! We are excited to announce that as long as state and district guidelines allow, we will begin to meet at Davidson field on Tuesday, September 8. Only student athletes who have completed their Athletic Clearance will be permitted to participate. Below is the NMUSD Parent Permission Slip, which outlines many of the procedures and restrictions. Students will need to bring this signed on the first day of returning to play.

Our season is planned to be from December 18 to February 27. ***Please make note that we will have games during winter break and president’s week.

2020-21 Athletic Clearance Forms and Instructions

Log onto to start the process of getting students cleared. Click above to download the forms and instructions, or they can be found on the Athletic Page of the NHHS website. **It is required that a signed confirmation message be submitted to the Athletics Office in order to be cleared. Since students are currently not allowed on campus, parents/students please email signed confirmation messages to our athletic secretary at If you have any questions, please contact our athletic secretary, Jessica.