Off-Season Field Hockey is canceled today due to the rain. Hopefully this gives you some extra time to get ready for finals! See you Wednesday.
Tag Archives: Off-Season
Off-Season Tomorrow
Off-Season Field Hockey is on for tomorrow at 2:00 – 4:00. All players (including those who are transferring to Lacrosse) are to be there.
Those players who are switching to Lacrosse will report to Coach Matt Armstrong on Monday, January 22. The remaining field hockey players will finish off-season next Monday and Wednesday.
Off Season – LAX Meeting
Off-Season Field Hockey will not take place today due to the Lacrosse Informational Meeting at 3:15 p.m. in The Social Hall. Please check the website next week for information regarding Off-Season Field Hockey for next Wednesday. Have a nice three-day weekend!
Off-Season Resumes
Happy New Year! Off-Season Field Hockey will resume from Christmas Break on Wednesday, January 4 at the normal time and place. See you then!
Off-Season Reminders
Just a few reminders for the players enrolled in off-season field hockey:
– Today (Monday, December 7) we are meeting in the library at 2 p.m. to take the athletic survey. We will have regular practice afterward.
– If you haven’t brought your contribution yet, please do so today.
– Any absence in Off-Season must be called in to the attendance office and excused or it will be marked as a truancy. Off-season field hockey is a class for PE credit and since we only meet twice a week, attendance is very important for each player’s grade.